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After taking part in a pom pom camp last month (yes you heard that right) I finally picked up the sheers and got carving some pom poms again after a few moons off my most favourite puff balls. After my last EPIC pom pom effort with the Museum of Brisbane (making pom pom garments / swings / totem tennis poles / workshops YOU NAME IT) I found myself a little burnt out and a smidge sore of wrist…so I took a break! But I just knew it wouldn’t be forever and as soon as I started snip snipping in January I knew the February’s Pla Pla prompt just had to be pom poms…

So for this month, I want us to consider the pom pom as a sculpture or even (dare I say) a painting. I want us to think about the colours we are using, the shape, the composition, the form, the surface, and to imagine what meaning we can imbue our pom poms with. Yes we are playing (or pla-pla-ing) but even if you make one pom pom this month, let it be your most meaningful and considered EVER…I don’t ask much. These example pom poms I made up were just out of some leftover yarn I had on hand, but I am going to get my hands on some fresh yarn to try and experiment with different and specific colour combinations. I really want to play with some dreamy pastel and neon combinations. I confess that I came very close to making this month’s prompt pom pom crowns or pom pom accessories (because I LOVE wearable pom poms too)…but I figure by just making this month broadly about pom poms we/you can do anything you want with them! Let’s just explore what we can create!

SO I’ll be holding my next Pla Pla moment on Feb 26 where I’ll be making pom poms with friends - and oh gosh as per last month I would love for you to get involved and get making too! To get involved and make a pom pom all you need is:

  • yarn (I use acrylic because my allergies are BANANAS)

  • sharp scissors (I use fiskars brand)

  • cardboard

I’ll be posting how-to’s on my instagram throughout the month to give you some tips and tricks on how I like to make pom poms and of course, what you can do with them. I can’t wait to explore the pom pom art form with you!

Alright, best be off! I’m obsessively watching my instagram for Grammys updates because I made a frock for Alisha Gaddis (a gorgey nominee) …and oh wow - how will I get any other work done today?

Rach x

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